
When I'm Healthy, I'm Happy

My school district have started to host health classes each month the help keep our health costs down. I have gone to a couple and I like them. I am glad we are given the opportunity to learn more about keeping ourselves fit mentally and physically. I learned about something I have always known, but I seem to need to be reminded about. Exercise. Get up and move. Stop sitting so much and move around the classroom.
I decided years ago to get rid on my desk. I am now seeing the benefits of that decision. I stopped stacking so much on my little table, but I also stopped sitting so much. After that exercise reminder, I decided to get rid of my chair. I raised my dear and now I lean a little, but I try not to sit. I also bought a wood stool so it is uncomfortable to sit on for extended periods of time.
I also learned about stress-management. Thinking about anything will creat more of that thing. If I don't want to get sick, I should think about being healthy, not how to not get sick. I think the flipped classroom will help the relaxing as we do more activities and less lecturing. I am finding that most of the lessons are being learned from our videos. The one vocabulary word or th understanding of a single concept on that lesson is being found and I am concentrating on what counts instead of the whole lesson. That is less stressful for me. and more fun for the students.
Being a healthier and happier teacher makes for healthier and happier and more intelligent students.

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